Fish.Net, Internet, IT and Communications Business - Nice people to do IT with...

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Fish.Net - nice people to do IT with. Fish.Net - nice people to do IT with.
  Fish.Net - nice people to do IT with.


Fish.Net welcomes Axon Birch clients

We're delighted to welcome you as one of Fish.Net's customers, continuing the service and support you've previously received from Axon Birch, and adding to our own select group of satisfied customers.

We've been working hard with Chris Birch and the existing suppliers to achieve our aim of undisturbed continuity of service for you, and to ensure that the knowledge and support you require will also continue.

We'd like to thank Chris for his commitment to his customers and to us, building on a working relationship we have had with Axon Birch over the last few years.

We will be in contact with you over the next few weeks, and look forward to working with you.

The Fish.Net team is headed by:

Chris Paterson        Managing Director
MA Engineering, Cambridge

Technology and Internet enthusiast, actively involved with software and information technology for the whole of his professional career; managing multi-disciplinary design and development teams at director level. Extensive business skills at Board level with ability to communicate in plain English.

Michèle Hayes        Operations Director
BSc Physics, MSc Manufacturing Management

Originally working in the semiconductor industry, successfully implementing computer based management tools, whilst also managing the change in working practices and effect upon personnel.  Believes that IT is only useful if humans know how to use it effectively.

Saddleworth Business Centre
Huddersfield Road
Tel: + 44 (0)1457 819600
Fax: + 44 (0)1457 819602
Nominet Member Fish.Net are an official 'registered Thawte ISP partner'