Fish.Net, Internet, IT and Communications Business - Nice people to do IT with...

Fish.Net - nice people to do IT with. Fish.Net - nice people to do IT with.
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Fish.Net - nice people to do IT with.


Software Portfolio

Featured projects developed by Fish.Net, if you would like to see more of our portfolio please click here.

Speedier Scaffolding

Speedier Scaffolding - Work Tracking

Like many businesses, Speedier Scaffolding had used Excel spreadsheets to track and gather financial information on their work in progress. As their business grew so did their departmental expectations and thus the complexity of the spreadsheets, and along with this the time and difficulty involved in maintaining the spreadsheets.

Fish.Net created a system which allows Speedier Scaffolding to track materials and labour costs by first assessing and understanding their internal processes. The resulting application created using VB.NET and Microsoft SQL Server, enables Speedier’s employees and directors to quickly enter and evaluate data from any of the company's depots and even from the comfort of their own home.


Romec - Remote Time and Attendance

One of the many services Romec provide as part of their Facilities Management capabilities is office and premises cleaning. One example of several coding projects Fish.Net has undertaken for Romec, was to integrate a telephone and on-line tracking system with Romec’s in-house AS400 systems. Cleaning personnel can now phone in with details of where they’ve worked and for how many hours; their telephone call is logged via a Web based system; intermediate servers gather, translate and queue the web logs; finally the logs are downloaded by the internal AS400 servers.

Ultimately, this provides a time and attendance system in all of the premises for which Romec is responsible, without the installation and configuration costs involved of a conventional system. Romec can take on new premises with no additional infrastructure costs.

If you would like to see more of our portfolio please click here.

Saddleworth Business Centre
Huddersfield Road
Tel: + 44 (0)1457 819600
Fax: + 44 (0)1457 819602
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